Dawn Talks
Green Code Movement
Environmental challenges have never been more critical or more urgent than they are today. Growing consumption, industrialization, and urbanization threaten not only the sustainability of the environment we live in but also the health of all life around the world. Even small companies like Dawn Health also carry a big responsibility. We take this very seriously and are super proud to announce that Dawn is now a 100% Co2 neutral company.
With help from Climaider, we have launched “Green Code Movement” with activities that aim to reduce and offset our carbon footprint. Internally, we reduce Co2 emissions by restricting global traveling that accounts for the biggest contributing factor. We have also moved to environmentally friendly office spaces, revisited our procurement to prioritize sustainable products, reduced meat in our food plans, enhanced our development process and transportation methods.
To reach our 100% Co2 neutral milestone we have invested in two offsetting activities. In Sichuan China, we fund farmers in extreme poverty to build private biogas plants that reduce emissions from pigs’ feces and empower local villages to cook using methane gas. In Madagascar, we are part of the “Eden Reforestation Projects” that aims to plant 300 million new trees. Our projects are governed by the UPM group with management, controlling and verification by UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism & Gold Standard for the Global Goals.
We invite all companies to join us on this journey to care for our planet. Many small actions can have a huge impact.